Setting up PDF Upload Options

This process is used to set up a template for your outbound PDF documents. Tradex needs to understand how information can be extracted from the PDF documents that you upload and ensure that all the required information is displayed to the receiver of your document. You need to set up a template for these documents so that the right labels and document values are displayed to a user.

To set up a template for your outbound PDF documents, perform the following steps:

1.     Click Upload Options > PDF Upload Options from the Administration tab.

The PDF upload options – list page is displayed.

2.     Click New.

The PDF upload options - Create page is displayed.

3.     Select the type of document from the Document Type drop-down list. For example, Invoice.

4.     Select the Credit Note option if the document is a credit note, and enter a name for the template you are creating in Template.

5.     Enter a full or partial file name or regular expression in the Filename rule field. This value must match the file name of documents uploaded using the automatic method  If you try to upload a file name different from that what is specified here, then the mapping may not be applied. You can also leave the field blank.

6.     Enter a number in Sequence to indicate the order to use the maps.

7.     Click Full stop or Comma in Decimal place character to define the decimal character to be used in documents.

8.     Click Upload to upload a PDF that you want to use as a template, and then click Next.

9.     Click Next to set rules that will be used to interpret your documents such as the label fields and data fields.


10.  Select an input field and then click the associated value on the image displayed on the right side of the page. For example, for an invoice, you may have to enter the following details:

o        Document Header

o        Supplier Details

o        Buyer Address

o        Invoice Line Details Scope

o        Invoice Line Details

o        Delivery Details

o        VAT Analysis, Payment Details and Totals

11.  Click Save to save the details and to return to your previous page.