Creating a New Receiver Rule

Tradex system administrators can configure the descriptive text for "Receiver rules" that is displayed to users when viewing trading relationships and generating documents using an online form.

The Receiver rules may describe such things as the format that you require an order number to be in, or that it is mandatory for a PO number to be supplied. Describing your receiver rules fully and accurately helps your trading partners comply with your requirements.

The Notes fields are only comments and work is required by Tradex developers to implement these. If it is implemented, the required fields will be checked for the format. Reports on any errors will be sent to partners.

There are three possible scenarios if the receiver rules are used:

·         If everything is valid, the file gets processed and is accepted by the partner.

·         If it is a conditional error, then the file gets processed and any invalid documents go into the pending status.

·         If it is not acceptable to the receiver, the file gets rejected completely.

To create a new receiver rule for an invoice, perform the following steps:

1.     Click Download Options > Receiver rules from the Administration tab.

The Receiver rules - list page displayed.

2.     Click the New button at the top right section of the page to create a new receiver rule.

The Receiver rules - Create page displayed.  

3.     Select a document type such as Invoice from the Document Type drop-down list.

If you select a document type other than Invoice, skip step 5 and go to step 6.

4.     Enter text on the trading partner's requirements in the Notes text area.

5.     Select any of the following options from the Rule drop-down list:

·        Database PO lookup:  

·        Populate legal entity from PO lookup:  Specify the field to use in the Lookup table that will identify the PO number. For example, Value 1. In the Legal entity lookup field that appears, select the corresponding field to be used in the Lookup table to identify the legal entity. For example, Value 2.

6.     Click Save.

Editing a Receiver Rule

To edit an existing receiver rule, perform the following steps:

1.     Click Download Options > Receiver rules from the Administration tab.

The Receiver rules - list page displayed.

2.     Click the document type that you want to edit.

The Receiver rules - Edit page displayed.

3.     Edit the required details and then click the Save button at the top right section of the page.