Accepting Tenders from E-mail Invitations

Once the estimator sends a tender to your e-mail address, you can view the tender details and then accept the tender. For example, the e-mail from an estimator is similar to the following figure:

Suppliers can view the tender details, project name, location or address, estimated value and project value, and the tender due date. They can also view the project's status, based on the start date of the project. The following statuses will be displayed:

·         Not yet started

·         On site now - This status indicates that the project is in progress.

·         Completed

Note: The e-mail invitations to subcontractors will display the company logo (if it is uploaded to the Organisation profile page) or the default image. It also includes the estimator's company name and the estimator’s work e-mail address, and is sent from a ‘no reply’ e-mail address.

To accept the tender from an e-mail message, perform the following steps:

1.     Click View Details in the e-mail message.


The Tender Details page is displayed.

Note: You can click the Details and the What you need to do now buttons to hide or view the tender details.

You can view the default status of the tender above the map displayed.

2.     Perform any of the following tasks to view the project documents before you decide to accept or decline the tender:

·         View the project documents online: Click to view the project documents associated with this tender. You do not have to log in to eTender to view, download, or export a list of project documents. Select any or all the documents displayed, and then click Download selection(s). Click Export to PDF to download a list of project documents as a PDF file to your system.

·         Download the project documents (25Mb): Click to download all the project documents as a ZIP file. The maximum file size that can be downloaded is 25 MB. If the maximum file size exceeds 25 MB, the following error message is displayed:

3.     Perform any of the following tasks to view the tender items online or to download the tender items:

·         Click View the items to view the tender items without logging in to eTender. Click Back to tender details to go back and view the tender invitation in the browser.

·         Click Download the tender items to price in Excel to download an Excel file of the tender items so that you can add prices to tender items.

4.     Click Accept to accept the tender, or click Decline Tender to decline the tender.

·         If you are already registered as a supplier with eTender, a pop-up window is displayed with the message to log in to eTender. Click Login if you are already registered. if you are not registered with eTender, see Registering from Tender Invitation E-mail.

·         The eTender Login page is displayed with your login ID automatically displayed. This will be the e-mail address to which the e-mail invitation is sent. You cannot edit the login ID displayed.

·         Once you log in to eTender, the tender will be accepted.

5.     Click any of the following options after you have accepted the tender. These options will be active only after you have accepted the tender.

·         Price the tender online: Click to respond to the tender items by logging in and entering your rates.

·         Import your response from Excel: Click to import tender responses from an Excel file that you have previously downloaded and updated with your rates. For more information, see Importing Tender Responses.

·         Add any supporting documents: Click to add your documents to the tender response.

·         Submit your response: Click to submit your response to the tender.

6.     Click the estimator name to send a message to the estimator. Enter the message, and then click Send.

7.     Click the here link to go to the Causeway eTender Supplier Online Help for the next steps.