Creating a New Measurement Session

A measurement session is the file which contains an open drawing/screenshot file and any measurements made from it.  The session will be saved with a .cmx file extension.  

There are number of ways to start a session and which one is used will depend on which of the following situations applies:

On Starting up CADMeasure

To open a new session and measure from an drawing/screenshot using the default template:

This most basic method will be based on the most recently used session template and is suitable for small projects.

1.     Start up CADMeasure.  A new session using the last template used is started automatically.

2.     Open a drawing/screenshot file to be measured (File menu  > Open Dwg)

3.     Save the session as a .cmx file (File menu > Save Session As)

4.     Create measurements

Once in CADMeasure

·         To open a new session and measure from an drawing/screenshot using a defined template

·         Session templates can be created with pre-defined measurement styles and categories.  This method allows the user to specify which template is to be used in the new session. See a) below

·         To open subsequent new sessions measuring from the existing drawing/screenshot

·         Due to the complexity of some projects it may be necessary to create a number of sessions measuring different aspects of a project, but all from the same drawing file.  See a) below

·         To open subsequent new sessions measuring from a different drawing/screenshot

·         For example: To start taking-off a different project.  See Step b) below.

Note: The open and save commands are in the File menu at the top left of the CADMeasure screen.

a)  Within an Current Session using the existing drawing file:

·         Save the current Session

·         Select a New Session

·         Select a template ( .cmt file )

·         Save the new session

·         Create measurements

This will close the current session and open a new session for measuring other objects in the currently attached dwf.  

b)  To measure from a different drawing/screenshot with a new session name:

·         Save the session with a new name as a .cmx file (A

·         Close the current drawing/screenshot (click x next to the filename on the tab above the viewer)

·         Open a drawing/screenshot to be measured

·         Re-save the session

·         Create measurements