Viewing the Saved POs

The Saved PO's - list page displays all the purchase orders that you have saved. The page displays the following information:

·         Receiver: The name of the company to which you have sent the PO.

·         Saved Date: The date on which the document was saved.

·         Document No: The order number.

·        Reason: The reason for saving the order. This is the comment you have entered while saving the order, instead of submitting it.

·         Comment: A brief description of the template used for order.

To view or edit the saved orders, perform the following steps:

1.     Click Orders > Saved PO's.

       The Saved PO's - list page is displayed.  

2.     Select the name of a receiver.

The Saved PO's - Edit page is displayed.


3.     Edit the PO details displayed, if required, and then click Next.

4.     Select the Supplier product code, or click Add line to add line-level details.

5.     Enter the line details, and then click Save line. You may select the I have confirmed the auto-calculated totals are correct check box.

6.     Click Submit to submit the edited order.        

Related topic

Creating Online POs