Viewing the Trade Classifications List

You can view the trade classifications list from the Trade Classifications – list page.

To access and view the trade classifications, perform the following steps:

1.     Click Supplier Management Configuration > Trade Classifications from the Administration tab.

      The Trade classifications – list page is displayed.

2.     View the trade classifications on the Trade Classifications – list page based on the following:

·         Hierarchical levels

·         Parent classification

·         Trade classification name and the mappings

For example, Level 0 represents the top-most level, followed by lower levels such as Level 1 and Level 2. You can also view whether a classification is used or not and the standard classification name to which a classification is mapped to and the mapped levels.

Note: To export trade classifications, see Exporting Trade Classifications. To import trade classifications, see Importing Trade Classifications.

Sending Trade Classifications to Mobile Server

Buyer administrators can send the trade classification list to a Mobile server that is already configured as an external connector for use in the mobile performance app. For more information, see Adding External Connectors.

Note: To use this feature, you must also ensure that the Mobile App module is enabled in your account

To send the trade classifications to a Mobile server, perform the following steps:

1.     Click Supplier Management Configuration > Trade Classifications from the Administration tab.

The Trade classifications – list page is displayed.

2.     Click the Send to mobile button at the top right of the page.

A confirmation message is displayed after the data is sent successfully.